Erasmus+ FAQs
What is an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange?
An Erasmus+ Youth Exchange is a program that allows young people from different countries to come together, have fun, work, and learn from each other in 5-14 days while travelling to a new place and/or a new country. The goal is to enhance cultural understanding, develop personal and professional skills, and promote active European citizenship.
Youth Exchange or Training Course?
While youth exchanges are aimed at young people and do not require any prior qualifications, training courses are more specialized and designed for youth workers, teachers, and other professionals working with youth who can apply what they learn in their work.
Who can join a Youth Exchange?
As a participant: young people aged 13 to 30. As a team leader: anyone over 18 who has some experience as a youth worker or has been on Erasmus+ projects. The specific age range might vary depending on the particular project, it’s usually 18 to 30. Participants can join through informal groups of young people or NGOs, like Street of Youth Association.
What are the benefits of participating of an Erasmus+ youth exchange?
Through these programs, participants can improve their communication skills, teamwork abilities, problem-solving skills, cultural awareness and many more skills, knowledge and competencies. They can also make new friends and expand their international network.
How do I apply for a Youth Exchange?
To apply, you need to go through a hosting organization that advertises the youth exchange. They will provide detailed information on the application process. Generally, you’ll need to submit a motivation letter and answer to some general questions. At the Street of Youth Association, we are mainly interested in your motivation when you apply: why you want to participate, what you hope to learn from the project, and how you are connected to the topic.
What are the costs involved in a Youth Exchange?
Erasmus+ covers travel costs, accommodation, and meals. Participants might also receive support for additional expenses.
What activities take place during a Youth Exchange?
Youth Exchanges can involve a variety of activities, like workshops, teamwork, seminars, sports, cultural nights and many more. The aim for the participants is to learn through non-formal educational methods. The topics of the projects cover a wide range, from sports to arts to intercultural dialogue - almost anything. At Street of Youth Association, you will mainly encounter project themes relevant to Generation Z: youth mental health, environment, and the challenges of the digital world.
Do I have to be a student to take part in a Youth Exchange?
No. Unlike the university Erasmus+ program, you don't need to be a student to participate. Only your age, motivation, and enthusiasm matter.
What language is used in the programs?
The working language is almost always English, but this can vary depending on the participating groups and the hosting country. For example, sometimes you can find Erasmus+ projects in German or French language.
What is a Youthpass?
Youthpass is a certificate that recognizes the learning outcomes of the Erasmus+ programs. At the end of a project, participants receive a Youthpass certificate detailing the skills and knowledge they gained. This can be valuable for future studies or job applications.
I don’t know anyone there, should I apply?
Definitely yes. Everyone goes to a project without knowing the others, but it's impossible not to make new friends during a project.
Where can I find more information about Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges and Training Courses?
You can find more information on the official Erasmus+ website, on the website of Eurodesk and on the website of Tempus Foundation. Additionally, it’s useful to follow Erasmus+ on social media for updates and opportunities. And most importantly: follow the Street of Youth Association on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on our new projects and not miss out on anything important.